Welcome to SOMME...[Regd. under Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860), Regn. No. 324 of 2015-16]

Corporate Members

SOMME Members

Individuals, institutions, organizations, societies, corporate bodies, may be accepted in future as member(s) / Institutional member(s) / Corporate member(s) by the Governing Body on terms and conditions as laid down by the Governing Body.

Corporate Members

Eligibility for becoming corporate member of society:

Any institution offering education or promote research and development activities is eligible to become Institutional member of society.

Main Sponsors (Chair Vice-President): Rs.5,00,000/- (INR)
    Annual Membership (Indian Industry)
  • Small Scale Industry: Rs. 15,000/- (INR)
  • Medium Scale industry: Rs. 30,000/- (INR)
  • Large Scale Industry: Rs. 50,000/- (INR)
    Annual Membership (Foreign Industry)
  • Annual Membership Fee: $ 2,500 (USD)
Note: The Governing Body shall have the power to increase, decrease or vary the amount of membership fee from time to time. Additional subscription, in addition to the membership fee referred to hereinabove, may be collected by the Governing Body from members for a general or specific purpose or project.

Corporate Members

    Membership No.
    Daljet Singh
Click here to fill online form for Corporate membership.