Welcome to SOMME...[Regd. under Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860), Regn. No. 324 of 2015-16]

Governing – SOMME

Governing – SOMME

The affairs of the Society are administered, directed and controlled, subject to rules and regulations and bye laws and orders of the Society, by a Governing Body.


  1. The affairs of the “Society” are managed by a Governing Body which comprises of a Patron, a President, a Senior Vice President, a Vice-President (Academics), a General Secretary, a Treasurer, a Secretary and Executive Members (all elected by the General Body through voting).
  2. To provide for education and training in such branches of learning as it may deem fit.
  3. To undertake extra mural studies, extension programmes and field outreach activities to contribute to the development of society.
  4. To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities by awareness programs, adult education classes, lectures, essay competitions, exhibitions, symposiums, cultural programs, press conferences and seminars.
  5. To raise infrastructure to impart such education as has denied to the backward, schedule caste and schedule tribes as well as economically weaker communities of our nation.
  6. Attracting and expanding society membership and maintaining an organization that encourages its members to participate in the society's activities, leadership and management.
  7. To organize conference, symposium, workshops etc.
  8. To carry out sponsored research and development projects in the public/private sector and others.
  9. To promote innovative ideas for welfare of society and motivating young technical students for being entrepreneurs
  10. To carry out research and development on appropriate and alternate/innovative technologies, with emphasis on the use of local resources.
  11. Publication of newsletter, scientific papers and journals devoted to scientific and industrial/applied research and development.
  12. To enter into arrangements with foreign scientific agencies and institutions for exchange of scientists, study tours, training in specialized areas of science and technology, conducting joint projects consistent with the aims and objectives of the Society.
  13. To act international forum for sharing information, networking and career development.
  14. To establish and maintain a research and reference library in pursuance of the objects of the Society with reading and writing rooms and to furnish the same with books, reviews, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
  15. To do all other such things as the Society may consider necessary incidental or conducive as may be necessary or desirable to further the objectives of the Society.


  1. Every meeting of the Governing Body is presided over by the Chairman of the Governing Body and in his absence by Vice President or a member chosen by the meeting to preside for the occasion.
  2. One third of members of the Governing Body present in person form a quorum at every meeting of the Society.
  3. Not less than 7 clear days’ notice of every meeting of the Governing Body is to be given to each member of the Governing Body.
  4. The Governing Body is to meet as often as may be considered necessary but not less than four times in a financial year. International members can attend the meeting through online connectivity.
  5. The Chairman of the Governing body may himself call, or by a requisition signed by him to call a meeting of the Governing Body at any time.
  6. Each member of the Governing Body including the Chairman have one vote. All matters at the Governing Body meeting are to be decided by the majority view. If there is an equality of votes on any question to be decided by the Governing Body, the Chairman shall in addition have a casting vote.
  7. A resolution is passed by 2/3 (two third) majority vote in the Governing Body meeting called for the purpose.


  1. It is the function of the Governing Body generally to carry out the object of the Society as set forth in the Memorandum of Association. (a) Identifying and understanding the needs of the members. (b) Monitoring the progress of society and taking appropriate action to ensure the successful implementation of plans and strategies. (c) Assuring stability and growth of society and its membership. (d) Approving the appointment, by the President, of the society.
  2. The Governing Body administers, directs and controls the affairs and funds of the Society and have authority to exercise all the powers of the Society.
  3. The Governing Body has powers to frame, amend or repeal bye-laws not inconsistent with these rules for the administration and management of the affairs of the Society.
  4. The Governing Body has the power to enter into arrangements with the Government of India, State Government and other public or private organizations or individuals for securing and accepting endowments, grants-in-aid, donations or gifts to the Society on mutually agreed terms and conditions provided that the conditions of such grant-in-aid, donations or gifts, if any, shall not be inconsistent or in conflict with the nature or objects of the Society or with the provisions of these rules.
  5. The Governing Body may by resolution appoint committees, sub-committees, advisory board and panel of experts for such purposes and with such powers as the Governing Body may think proper. Establishing, appointing or approving the appointment, and empowerment of councils, committees, teams and task forces of members.
  6. To fix such fees and other charges as may be laid down in the bye-laws made under the rules of the Society.
  7. To establish, maintain and manage the land buildings and the other assets of the Society.
  8. To print, publish and sell, circulate or distribute gratuitously or otherwise journals, periodicals, books or leaflets that the Society may consider desirable and necessary for the promotion of its objectives.