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Year: Jan-June 2012

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

S. no. Paper Title Keywords Authors PDF
1 Electro Chemical Machining in the Aid of Abrasive Flow Machining Process Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM), Electro-chemical Machining (ECM), Electro-Chemical Aided Abrasive Flow Machining (ECA2FM). B.S. Brar, R.S. Walia and V.P. Singh 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-7-11.pdf
2 Modelling the Effect of Austenite Volume Fraction and Ferrite Particle Size on Mechanical Properties of Austempered Ductile Iron ADI; microstructure; mechanical properties; crystal structure; strengthening mechanism Jagmohan Datt and Uma Batra 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-12-17.pdf
3 High Temperature Oxidation/ Corrosion and Degradation Mechanisms of Superalloys—Review Superalloys, Oxidation, Mechanism, High temperature Subhash Kamal and Chennupati Vijya Kumar 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-18-21.pdf
4 Effect of Welding Parameters on Tensile Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded Joints of Aa6082 and Aa5083 Aluminium Alloys Friction Stir Welding, Aluminium alloys, Ultimate tensile strength, Micro hardness Amandeep Singh, Jasbir Singh Ratol and Niraj Bala 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-22-28.pdf
5 Synthesis of Ha by Various Sol-Gel Techniques and Their Comparison: A Review Hydroxyapatite, Bioimplant, Sol-gel, Biomaterials Khelendra Agrawal, Gurbhinder Singh, Satya Prakash and Devendra Puri 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-29-34.pdf
6 Oxidation Behavior of D-Gun Spray Ni-20Cr Coated ASTM A213 347H Steel at 900°C D-Gun, High temperature oxidation, Protective coating, Ni-20Cr, Oxide scales G. Kaushal, N. Kaur, H. Singh and S. Prakash 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-35-40.pdf
7 D-Gun, High temperature oxidation, Protective coating, Ni-20Cr, Oxide scales Submerged Arc Welding, Acidic flux, Taguchi method, Bead geometry J.S. Randhawa and N.M. Suri 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-41-46.pdf
8 Preparation of Aluminum Based Metal Matrix Composite by Thermal Spraying Aluminium Metal matrix composites, Silicon carbide, Thermal spraying, HVOF Gagandeep Singh and Manpreet Kaur 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-47-51.pdf
9 Effect of Rotational Motion on the Flat Work Piece Magnetic Abrasive Finishing MAF, FMAB, MR, Surface Roughness, RPM. Bhutani Deepak, R.S. Walia and N.M. Suri 02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-52-56.pdf