S. no. | Paper Title |
Keywords |
Authors |
1 |
Electro Chemical Machining in the Aid of Abrasive Flow Machining Process |
Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM), Electro-chemical Machining (ECM), Electro-Chemical Aided Abrasive Flow Machining
(ECA2FM). |
B.S. Brar, R.S. Walia and V.P. Singh |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-7-11.pdf
2 |
Modelling the Effect of Austenite Volume Fraction and Ferrite Particle Size on Mechanical Properties of Austempered Ductile Iron |
ADI; microstructure; mechanical properties; crystal structure; strengthening mechanism |
Jagmohan Datt and Uma Batra |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-12-17.pdf
3 |
High Temperature Oxidation/ Corrosion and Degradation Mechanisms of Superalloys—Review |
Superalloys, Oxidation, Mechanism, High temperature |
Subhash Kamal and Chennupati Vijya Kumar |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-18-21.pdf
4 |
Effect of Welding Parameters on Tensile Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded Joints of Aa6082 and Aa5083 Aluminium Alloys |
Friction Stir Welding, Aluminium alloys, Ultimate tensile strength, Micro hardness |
Amandeep Singh, Jasbir Singh Ratol and Niraj Bala |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-22-28.pdf
5 |
Synthesis of Ha by Various Sol-Gel Techniques and Their Comparison: A Review |
Hydroxyapatite, Bioimplant, Sol-gel, Biomaterials |
Khelendra Agrawal, Gurbhinder Singh, Satya Prakash and Devendra Puri |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-29-34.pdf
6 |
Oxidation Behavior of D-Gun Spray Ni-20Cr Coated ASTM A213 347H Steel at 900°C |
D-Gun, High temperature oxidation, Protective coating, Ni-20Cr, Oxide scales |
G. Kaushal, N. Kaur, H. Singh and S. Prakash |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-35-40.pdf
7 |
D-Gun, High temperature oxidation, Protective coating, Ni-20Cr, Oxide scales |
Submerged Arc Welding, Acidic flux, Taguchi method, Bead geometry |
J.S. Randhawa and N.M. Suri |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-41-46.pdf
8 |
Preparation of Aluminum Based Metal Matrix Composite by Thermal Spraying |
Aluminium Metal matrix composites, Silicon carbide, Thermal spraying, HVOF |
Gagandeep Singh and Manpreet Kaur |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-47-51.pdf
9 |
Effect of Rotational Motion on the Flat Work Piece Magnetic Abrasive Finishing |
MAF, FMAB, MR, Surface Roughness, RPM. |
Bhutani Deepak, R.S. Walia and N.M. Suri |
02 IJSEMT Vol2No1Jan-Jun2012-52-56.pdf